Tips For The Anxious Mind♡


I haven’t really posted. Anything. At all. For over a month.



(Side note: I’m going to be selfish but I want to write when I want to. Not in a sassy way just that if it’s forced it will 1. Feel like doing homework 2. look and sound forced)


Terrible situations. Everyone gets them; and they come in many varieties, but in this post I’m going to talk about being anxious and feeling trapped. Now I don’t know about anyone else but I know that some people treat anxiety as though if it’s not diagnosed it’s not there. But they couldn’t be further from the truth. Anxiety isn’t a diagnosis. It isn’t something fabricated so people can get attention. It’s cruel and difficult and selfish.

My hope for this post is that all kinds of people can take something from it, people who have friends or family with anxiety, people with it themselves and anyone else. Perhaps if you don’t have it yourself this could give you an insight- maybe help you help other people.

Enough rambling- these are my tips for if you or a friend etc. are feeling anxious, and are beginning to feel trapped.

1.Get out as soon as you can. Get to fresh air as quickly and focus on your breathifullsizerender-8ng; try as hard as you can not to think about anything else. Breathing into a paper bag (as cliche as it sounds) works as it provides you with more CO2 . If at all possible try to go for a walk. Anywhere is good but woodlands or a place where there is lots of beautiful natural scenery are particularly helpful.

*If you’re a friend, hug your friend. Help them focus on their breathing and help them get out of the situation


2. If you’re confined focus on the space. NOT how it feels like is getting small012er. How much of it is around you all over the place – everywhere. Focus on the fact that there is all of this air for you to breathe in and out , and there’s SO much. This helps distract you and feel less trapped.



3. Just drink a cold drink. Just do it in the situation and you’ll understand. For some reason it just really helps.319h

*This is pretty obvious but if you’re a friend find some water, iced coffee though maybe avoid very sugary drinks- like fizzy drinks.



Hope this helped someone and I hope to talk soon ♡



Worth The Splurge Items♡

My Top Five high end makeup items so far!


  1. The Benefit Watt’s Up highlighter

This highlighter is gorgeous! Although it looks very dark when first applied once blended in leaves a stunning sheen. It is perfect for layering under other highlighters to intensify them. It’s amazing, and I had lusted for it for it for many months – it certainly lived up to my expectations.


2. Nars Copacabana Highlighter

I can’t even to begin to describe the beauty of this product. It looks very pink in the tube but when the product is applied it is the most beautiful highlighter. Definitely recommend giving this a swatch, and maybe even buying it.



3. Urban Decay Naked Basics palette

I’ve had this palette for so long now, and I still love it. I know that often you buy products that lose their sparkle after a while, but this one is amazing. It has mostly matte shade ,which are my favourite, and one shimmery shade called ‘Venus’. Beautiful palette which is perfect for everything.


4. Tarte Tartlette Tease palette

I ADORE the purple shades in this palette! The shade ‘BFF’ (bottom right) is amazing in the crease. The shades are so soft and pigmented.


5. Urban Decay Naked palette

Finally, one of my all time palettes. The shade ‘half baked’ is my perfect gold and the shade ‘naked’ is perfect on the crease with its warm tones. This palette is not the most travel friendly however it’s totally worth it for the beautiful, buttery, pigmented shades!


Thank you so much for reading and Happy Friday!


Top 5 Candles♡

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There’s nothing better than coming from a cold winters day, into a warm burrow of a house. Making a hot chocolate or maybe some sort of spiced drink; flicking on all the fairy lights ( which look so cute); picking up your book and reading it by the dim light. But the thing that tops it off is candles. Not only do they add to the fairy lights they fill your room with a wonderful scent- plus there are so many to get you into different moods! Here are my faves:

1- Leaves by Bath&BodyWorks

This candle honestly smells so amazing. I cannot recommend it enough. It perfectly embodies my perception of what autumn smells like. With notes of Crisp Red Apple, Golden Nectar and Warm Clove Spice it honestly smells like heaven. If you ever get the chance to smell this I would massively encourage you to. I love it so much that I don’t burn it very often, as  I live in England and can’t get hold of Bath&BodyWorks products without paying mega shipping prices. I was rushing around Bath&BodyWorks when I went to America in the summer as we were in a rush and I only picked up a 10 hour leaves candle! u_z0x-yrjie-alisa-antonI so wish I’d got a three wick one instead!

2- Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin by Bath&BodyWorks

Also from Bath&BodyWorks I love the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin Scent. It’s perfect for around Halloween and the bright orange colour adds such a cute pop of colour to anywhere in your room that may be a little boring.

3- Winter Glow by Yankee Candle

This candle is so fresh but with the slightest sweet undertone. I love this candle as I have them scattered around my room and they add a refreshing touch!

4-Pink Sands by Yankee Candle

This candle is the most energising candle ever! When I smell it I get a buzz! It’s fresh, fruity, sweet at citric. I adore it!

5- Orange Flower & Mandarin- Matalan

Ok, so I’ll admit that Matalan isn’t particularly notorious for it’s homewares, and the clothes aren’t to my taste but I highly recommend you going to test out some of their candles. This Orange Flower & Mandarin candle is beautiful. Its got three wicks and it has lasted us for literally years. Its incredible!

So they’re my top candles ♡

I’d love to try out lots more so feel free to leave a comment with some of your favourite candles!
