Thoughts 🌻

Having three hours to sit and do nothing on a plane really can put things into perspective. 

First of all I realised my crippling fear of aeroplanes – but considering I’m still on my flight I think perhaps going into graphic detail about why I’m afraid of them may not be the best idea. To put it simply I feel sick with fear and a bit from the aeroplane food.

Anyway, I’ve been in Italy for two weeks and despite the constant bickering between my dad and my brother or my brother and me, I loved it; sure at times it was a lot to handle with the heat of 37 degrees and all the walking but it was fantastic. Weirdly though I can’t say I’m sad to leave. 

I think it’s a cocktail of being sick of the constant arguing, sick of being tired and just being a little homesick. ( a lot of sick haha) 

We did so much; visited the colosseum, palatine, Vatican, Sistine Chapel, the leaning tower of Pisa, visited the walled city of Lucca, Sienna, explored Rome and  saw the Trevi Fountain.

And yet each bright memory seems dulled by the arguments and anger which were taking place at the time, which is a shame as I feel to lucky to have gone but also a little guilty that I had this opportunity when many other people could only wish for it and would make the absolute most of it and enjoy every second rather than a bunch of moments. 

But despite this I feel happy that I have these memories, though some of them may not be as nice to reminisce about – I will learn from them and grow as a person. 
On another note, thank you so much for 100 followers 🙂

Considering the fact I’ve been crap at making posts regularly, and I can’t even remember the last time I wrote one  – I would like to say a very genuine thank you.

On another note I’ve been watching a lot of Dodie Clark recently ( @doddleoddle on YouTube) and she really is such a beautiful and fascinating person to watch grow and create. Her aesthetic is absolutely gorgeous, and I love how she is also breaking down the stigmas around talking about mental health and although she has had some controversy over how much she shares I think she handled it in a way we can all learn from.

So I’m not sure if those reading this are still on their summer holidays or whether they even still have a summer holiday but I’m on my final 2 weeks- quite how I’m really sure as i feel like I’ve only just broken up! But I’ve decided I’m going to make the most of it rather than sit and feel sad. No days of sitting at home watching Netflix. As nerdy as it sounds I’ll work – my GCSEs have crept up on me and are this year. I’m in the first year of the fully new, harder, system. As a result of this have two mocks before the real exams. There’s so much to know and  no one really knows how much work is needed to get the top grades- so a little extra work can’t possibly hurt. Plus if there’s any way to make the exams and run up to them less stressful I will gladly do it as I’m a massive worrier as it is. 

Thanks so much for reading after so long since my last post!

Much love Xx

Tips For The Anxious Mind♡


I haven’t really posted. Anything. At all. For over a month.



(Side note: I’m going to be selfish but I want to write when I want to. Not in a sassy way just that if it’s forced it will 1. Feel like doing homework 2. look and sound forced)


Terrible situations. Everyone gets them; and they come in many varieties, but in this post I’m going to talk about being anxious and feeling trapped. Now I don’t know about anyone else but I know that some people treat anxiety as though if it’s not diagnosed it’s not there. But they couldn’t be further from the truth. Anxiety isn’t a diagnosis. It isn’t something fabricated so people can get attention. It’s cruel and difficult and selfish.

My hope for this post is that all kinds of people can take something from it, people who have friends or family with anxiety, people with it themselves and anyone else. Perhaps if you don’t have it yourself this could give you an insight- maybe help you help other people.

Enough rambling- these are my tips for if you or a friend etc. are feeling anxious, and are beginning to feel trapped.

1.Get out as soon as you can. Get to fresh air as quickly and focus on your breathifullsizerender-8ng; try as hard as you can not to think about anything else. Breathing into a paper bag (as cliche as it sounds) works as it provides you with more CO2 . If at all possible try to go for a walk. Anywhere is good but woodlands or a place where there is lots of beautiful natural scenery are particularly helpful.

*If you’re a friend, hug your friend. Help them focus on their breathing and help them get out of the situation


2. If you’re confined focus on the space. NOT how it feels like is getting small012er. How much of it is around you all over the place – everywhere. Focus on the fact that there is all of this air for you to breathe in and out , and there’s SO much. This helps distract you and feel less trapped.



3. Just drink a cold drink. Just do it in the situation and you’ll understand. For some reason it just really helps.319h

*This is pretty obvious but if you’re a friend find some water, iced coffee though maybe avoid very sugary drinks- like fizzy drinks.



Hope this helped someone and I hope to talk soon ♡



Worth The Splurge Items♡

My Top Five high end makeup items so far!


  1. The Benefit Watt’s Up highlighter

This highlighter is gorgeous! Although it looks very dark when first applied once blended in leaves a stunning sheen. It is perfect for layering under other highlighters to intensify them. It’s amazing, and I had lusted for it for it for many months – it certainly lived up to my expectations.


2. Nars Copacabana Highlighter

I can’t even to begin to describe the beauty of this product. It looks very pink in the tube but when the product is applied it is the most beautiful highlighter. Definitely recommend giving this a swatch, and maybe even buying it.



3. Urban Decay Naked Basics palette

I’ve had this palette for so long now, and I still love it. I know that often you buy products that lose their sparkle after a while, but this one is amazing. It has mostly matte shade ,which are my favourite, and one shimmery shade called ‘Venus’. Beautiful palette which is perfect for everything.


4. Tarte Tartlette Tease palette

I ADORE the purple shades in this palette! The shade ‘BFF’ (bottom right) is amazing in the crease. The shades are so soft and pigmented.


5. Urban Decay Naked palette

Finally, one of my all time palettes. The shade ‘half baked’ is my perfect gold and the shade ‘naked’ is perfect on the crease with its warm tones. This palette is not the most travel friendly however it’s totally worth it for the beautiful, buttery, pigmented shades!


Thank you so much for reading and Happy Friday!


Top 5 Candles♡

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There’s nothing better than coming from a cold winters day, into a warm burrow of a house. Making a hot chocolate or maybe some sort of spiced drink; flicking on all the fairy lights ( which look so cute); picking up your book and reading it by the dim light. But the thing that tops it off is candles. Not only do they add to the fairy lights they fill your room with a wonderful scent- plus there are so many to get you into different moods! Here are my faves:

1- Leaves by Bath&BodyWorks

This candle honestly smells so amazing. I cannot recommend it enough. It perfectly embodies my perception of what autumn smells like. With notes of Crisp Red Apple, Golden Nectar and Warm Clove Spice it honestly smells like heaven. If you ever get the chance to smell this I would massively encourage you to. I love it so much that I don’t burn it very often, as  I live in England and can’t get hold of Bath&BodyWorks products without paying mega shipping prices. I was rushing around Bath&BodyWorks when I went to America in the summer as we were in a rush and I only picked up a 10 hour leaves candle! u_z0x-yrjie-alisa-antonI so wish I’d got a three wick one instead!

2- Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin by Bath&BodyWorks

Also from Bath&BodyWorks I love the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin Scent. It’s perfect for around Halloween and the bright orange colour adds such a cute pop of colour to anywhere in your room that may be a little boring.

3- Winter Glow by Yankee Candle

This candle is so fresh but with the slightest sweet undertone. I love this candle as I have them scattered around my room and they add a refreshing touch!

4-Pink Sands by Yankee Candle

This candle is the most energising candle ever! When I smell it I get a buzz! It’s fresh, fruity, sweet at citric. I adore it!

5- Orange Flower & Mandarin- Matalan

Ok, so I’ll admit that Matalan isn’t particularly notorious for it’s homewares, and the clothes aren’t to my taste but I highly recommend you going to test out some of their candles. This Orange Flower & Mandarin candle is beautiful. Its got three wicks and it has lasted us for literally years. Its incredible!

So they’re my top candles ♡

I’d love to try out lots more so feel free to leave a comment with some of your favourite candles!



Blogger Interview♡


So I got the chance to ask one of my favourite bloggers at the moment some questions about blogging. Her name is Rachel and her blog is called sittingintheclouds – you should all definitely check her out, she’s so lovely!



So onto the questions:

1.Where do you get the inspiration for your blog posts?

I’m a fairly creative person so I don’t find it hard to think of blog ideas and once I think of them I write them down in my bullet journal for future reference. I currently have about 3 pages full of ideas I have yet to actually post. However, other bloggers and youtubers give me amazing content ideas. Of course I don’t copy exactly and always ensure to make it my own or ask permission (if it’s a smaller blogger) if I could use the same idea.

2.What keeps your motivated to keep blogging?

It’s definietly the comments from my readers that keep me wanting to produce more content. I get some amazing feedback and kind words from my readers that it just spurs me on to better myself and my content for them.

3.How do you want to improve your blog in the new year?

I think when it comes to blogging every time I upload I’m improving my writing, my photography and my online presence. There’s not one specific thing I would like to improve on my blog this year but just continue to expand my knowledge about the blogging community and increase my online presence.

4.What is your proudest blogging achievement so far? 
On January 1st I received the most views in one day on my blog and that was a pretty epic start to the new year. 117 people visited my blog on the 1st and it’s crazy that, that amount of people want to go on my blog and see my content.

5.Who has impacted/inspired you the most in blogging/how? 

Every youtuber I watch and blog I read inspires me by reading or watching their content. It inspires me in the way of content, how I can improve my writing, how to better my photography and increase my traffic. Even if they don’t personally know it, everyone inspires me, cringe or what?

6.Where would you like to be ,blogging wise, this time in 5 years?

I would love to have a decent following. I don’t want to say any numbers and they really don’t matter to me but to keep up with my blog and to continue receive amazing comments would be lovely. I would also love to work with a brand. I’ve got many emails from different brands but either I don’t trust them because they want me to blog about them for nothing or they ask me to produce content about a subject I have never written about. One example, this company asked me to do a blog post about staying fit in the new year, I have not once blogged about fitness or health so it was really strange for me to get a request like that so I kindly turned them out. However, I would love to work with brand I’m really passionate about, either beauty or book related.

7.Who are your favourite bloggers and why do you like them?

Big bloggers that everyone knows, who doesn’t say Zoe Sugg. I adore her and just absorb everything she does youtube and blogging wise. I also love Boho Berry who is a bullet journal blogger and youtuber. They are the only two that come to mind at the moment, I have a horrible memory. I even forgot about my dentist appointment on Monday…opsie!!!

8.What do you find to be the most frustrating thing about blogging? 

Not much to be honest as blogging is just a hobby for me so it’s something I do in my down time. However, in the UK in winter, it gets dark at like 3/4 o clock in the afternoon so taking good blog pictures with natural lighting becomes really hard this time of year but I manage it….just about.

9.Where do you hope your blog will take you? 

I haven’t really thought about it to be honest. I started my blog as a place to share my passions with others who have the same/similar likes as me. Never did I think in 8 months I would have near to 500 followers. I just take each day as it comes and see what the future holds.

10.Is there any goals you have set for your blog this year?

My site is setting quite a lot of traffic at the minute so I really want to focus on expanding my online presence and growing my blog. It would be a huge milestone if I could get to 1,000 followers on my blog by the end of 2017.

11.How much time do you spend blogging a week?red-hands-woman-creative.jpg

More than people expect probably. My sister actually just started her own blog and keeps saying to me that she didn’t realise how much time blogging takes. It’s literally like a job on the side if you want to make something of yourself online these days as there is so much competition and so much to keep up with, with all the social media platforms. I have uni on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and work at my internship on a Monday so I usually spend the entire day on Friday prepping and planning my blog posts for the week ahead so probably a good 8 or more hours a week I’d say.

12.Is blogging just a hobby or are you hoping for it to become a career?

At the moment it’s defiantly just a hobby, I think if anyone starts a blog in the hope of it becoming a career they have less chance of that dream coming true because it will start out as something a job rather than something you enjoy. People can tell if you aren’t being yourself when reading your content. It’s key to remain yourself when you start your blog and ensure your personality shines through. It would be amazing if one day I could make a living out of something I love but for now I’m more than happy for blogging to be a hobby and something I do on the side. I would hate for it to become stressful.

13. Who takes the majority of the photos for your blog? 

It really depends whose around. All my friends and family know about my blog and support me so it varies from my mum to my sister and my boyfriend. Those are my main photographers for OOTD posts. However, I take the majority of my pictures myself as I love photography, I just ask for help when I want outfit pictures really and anything else I can’t take by myself, such as MOTDs.

14.If you had to recommend your top three favourite bloggers who would they be? 

I’ll go with small bloggers, people I follow on WordPress who I feel need more recognition for the work they put into their blogs. The first one is Amelia from Rosetintedpics. Her photos are amazing and I’m always in awe of her content. The second will have to be Jessica Jade. And finally other Jessica and she’s Jessica Riga. All three of these lovely ladies are beauty/lifestyle bloggers and I just love their content, the way they write and their photos are just to die for.


Be yourself, people know when you aren’t. Make sure your personality comes through as that’s a very good USP (unique selling point) and what will help draw readers in.
Social media is key. To build a good following, sign up to social media platforms or create accounts dedicated to your blog. I have my personal and blog twitter and instagram combined as I think it’s a useful tool as readers want to know whose behind the blog on a more personal level.And because of this don’t just use your social media accounts for promotion, people don’t like that. So basically, use social media and be yourself are my number one tips.

I had so much fun interviewing Rachel, it was so lovely that she took the time to answer all of my questions and she was so patient with me!

I hope you all enjoyed reading, and took something away from this interview that you can use to help your own blog. A massive thank you again to Rachel and to all of you who read this blog post!

Thank you all so much and have a lovely evening ♡pp2

New Years Resolutions (Especially Fitness)♡


So today I’m going to be talking about my New Years Resolutions. You may think I’ve made a lot but I think that if I make loads I will surely have achieved at least one of them by the end of 2017.
So here they are:nike-trainers

  1. The classic ‘be happier’
  2. Have a completely cruelty-free makeup collection
  3. Drink more water
  4. Eat Healthier ( Tbh I’ve already completely failed this one)
  5. Join a Gym (this one is more for when I get more confidence later on in the year)
  6. Get more fit – start running

This blog post is mainly going to be about my 6th resolution, to ‘start running’ as this is the only one of my resolutions that I’ve never tried before in previous years. I guessed that I’m not the only person who is quite intimidated by the prospect of running so I thought I would share how I’ve approached it.

The first point I would like to make is that I don’t expect to see immediate results, I’m not horrendously unhappy with my body , I just want to feel healthier and feel more toned. I think an important factor in staying motivated is to not expect lots from starting running, or just exercise in general, as it just does the opposite as you aren’t seeing the immediate results you expected.

Starting from the beginning; I think a great way to become motivated is to buy gym clothes. I appreciate that for some people this may not work, and the clothes end up in a sad tucked away corner under piles of sweet wrappers. However personally I have found that buying new gym clothes is a great way to want to get out on a run. They don’t even have to be particularly expensive- the prospect of having an item which is new is still going to be just as exciting! I think that this time of year is also a good time to shop for sporty clothing because there are tonnes of sales on after Christmas. I would definately suggest looking in Topshop as they have some incredible sales on their Ivy Park clothing range.

So here’s what I bought for myself:


I also got a Calvin Klein bralette and a sports hoodie.

So one of my main tips is to start with a friend, so you can motivate each other to do it and you can help each other out during the run. It’s something good to start with someone else so that you can take the journey together and see each other’s progress. However I think it’s very important that you don’t pressure or guilt trip the other person. Mainly because it’s an unkind thing to do, as if they don’t put enough pressure on themselves. Also it will probably make them lose motivation and not want to run with you. Treat others how you want to be treated. If you’ve been having a hard day or a busy the last thing you want is someone who is supposed to be your friend making you feel bad about yourself. Don’t cross the line from being motivational into forcing run with you.

Moving on. Do not push yourself to hard to begin with. Of course there will always be people who are pro runners and are quite frankly intimidating. But it’s not about them its about you. Your personal goals and targets. Of course someone who has been running for 10 years has better stamina ,can run faster and more consistently than someone who has been running for 1 day. Don’t compare yourself to them. Instead start easy, know the area around you well, and plan carefully where you want to run. To begin with you will want a shorter, more flat run. Just remind yourself that this is just the start and that you will only get better from here.

If you choose  harder run which you really struggle to finish, where you had to walk 90% of it and were shattered , it will knock your confidence and will to carry on running.

For some people it may be a good idea for a charity run which is coming up, to work towards something. This is a good technique for those who find it difficult to start doing something, but enjoy it once they do. If you need to run for a reason, rather than having the option to opt out and stop- it gives you a much better chance at being successful at consistently running- therefore seeing results.

My final tips for starting to run are

  1. Have a badass playlist that is upbeat specifically for running
  2. Start as soon as you feel motivated so you don’t have time to talk yourself out of it
  3. Look forward to running!

Honestly I am very hopeful for my future in being more healthy and fit. Today I went on a run at dusk and the scenery was so beautiful and I felt amazing afterwards!286h-1



Happy New Year, I hope you all have success with your resolutions! x
